Gem and Mineral Society


Society Library in Storage at This Time




Title Author Type Code Type of Book
Beads As Jewelry Natalie Davies B B Beading
Fossils of the World V.Turek, J. Marek, J. Benes F F Fossils
Field Guide Southern California Robert Sharp FG FG Field Guides
Gem Trails of Arizona James Mitchell FG G Geology
Gem Trails of Arizona Bessie Simpson FG H History
Gem Trails of Nevada James Mitchell FG HG History Guide Book
Gem Trails of New Mexico James Mitchell FG J Jewelry
Gem Trails of Southern California James Mitchell FG L Lapidary
Geology of the Sierra Nevada Mary Hill FG M Minerals
Roadside Geology of Arizona Halka Chronic FG MH Mineral History
Roadside Geology of New Mexico Halka Chronic FG O Other
Roadside Geology of Northern California David Alt & Donald Hyndman FG    
Roadside Geology of Oregon David Alt & Donald Hyndman FG    
Roadside Geology of Texas Robert Sheldon FG    
Roadside Geology of the Northern Rockies David Alt & Donald Hyndman FG
Roadside Geology of Washington David Alt & Donald Hyndman FG
Roadside Geology of Wyoming David Lageson & Darwin Spearing FG
Roadside History of South Dakota Linda Hasselstrom FG
Rockhounding Utah William Kappele FG
Rockhounding Wyoming Kenneth Graham FG
The Gold Mines of California - Two Guide Books Fayette Robinson & Franklin Street FG
The Oregon Trail Revisited Gregory Franzwa & Robert Utley FG
The Rockhound's Guide of California Gail Butler FG
The Rockhound's Guide of New Mexico Melinda Crow FG
My Canyonlands Kent Frost FG
American Gem Trails Richard M. Pearl FG
The Rockhound's Guide to Colorado William A. Kappele FG
The Rockhound's Guide to Arizona Gerry Blair FG
Motor Camper's Guide to Mexico & Baja California Richard Carroll FG
California Coastal Access Guide California Coastal Commission FG
Mines & Minerals of the Great American Rift R. Holmes & M. Kennedy FG
The Evidence of Evolution Nicholas Hotton III G
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences David Smith G
Discover Historic California George & Jan Roberts H
History of Tesla - A California Coal Mining Town Dan Mosier & Earle Williams H
Exploring California Byways - VI - Owens Valley Russ Leadabrand H
Panorama of Treasure Hunting Harold T. Wilkins H
The Desert - California State Series A. Starker Leopold H
California Landmarks James McClure H
The Sierra Club Wilderness Handbook David Brower HG
The Golden Hills of California A. Masri & P. Abenheim HG
Exploring Death Valley Ruth Kirk HG
Exploring & Mining Gems $ Gold in the West Fred Rynerson HG
8000 Miles of Dirt - Travel Guide to Wyoming Dan Lewis HG
500 Earrings Lark Books - Marthe Le Van J
500 Pendants & Lockets Lark Books-Mike Holmes J
Contemporary Jewelry - A Craftsman's Handbook Philip Morton J
Contemporary Stone Sculpture Dona Z. Meilach J
Designing & Making Handwrought Jewelry JosephF. Shoenfelt J
Enamel Art on Metals Edward Winter J
Faceting for Amateurs Glen & Martha Vargas J
Handcrafting Jewelry - Designs & Techniques William E. Garrison & Merle E. Dowd J
Indian Silver-Smithing W. Ben Hunt J
Jewelry Making By the Lost Wax Process Geta Pack J
Modern Jewelry Design & Technique Irena Brynner J
The Design & Creation of Jewelry Robert Von Neomann J
The Jewelry Engravers Manual John Bowman & R. Allen Hardy J
The Jewelry Repair Manual Allen Hardy J
Jewelry Making Murray Bovin J
Step-By-Step Jewelty Thomas Gentille J
Jewelry Making - An Illustrated Guide to Technique Dominic Dipasquale J
Handbook of Jewelry Metalcrafting Craft Training Institutex J
Gem and Lapidary Materials June Culp Zeitner L
Gem Cutting - A Lapidary's Manual John Sinkankas L
How to Cut and Polish Gemstones Lelande Quick & Hugh Leiper L
The Creative Lapidary Frank Long L
Dana's Manual of Mineralogy - 17 edition Cornelius S. Hurlbut M
Mineral Names - What Do They Mean? Richard Mitchell M
Rare and Beautiful Minerals Fritz Hofmann M
The Diamond George G. Blakey M
The Mineral Kingdom Paul Desautels M
Book of Opals Wilfred Charles Eyles M
The Smithsonian Treasury - Minerals and Gems John Samson White M
Riches of the Earth Frank J. Anderson M
The F. John Barlow Mineral Collection F. John Barlow M
Jade Stone of Heaven Richard Gump M
The World's Finest Minerals and Crystals Peter Banncroft M
Turquois Joseph Pogue M
 Rocks and Minerals - Collector's Series Paul Desautels M
Treasures from the Earth - The World of Rocks & Minerals Benjamin M. Shaub M
The Collector's Encyclopedia of Rocks and Minerals A. F. L. Deeson M
Rocks and Minerals Cedric Rogers M
Simon & Schuster's Guide to Rocks & Minerals Martin Prinz + M
Gemstones of the World Walter Schumann M
The Rockhound's Manual Gordon S. Fay M
The Collector's Encyclopedia Gems, Minerals, Crystals & Ores Richard M. Pearl M
 Van Nostrand's Standard Catalog of Gems John Sinkankas M
A Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals Frederick H. Pough M
The Curious Lore of Precious Stones George Frederick Kunz MH
Gems & Precious Stones of North America George Frederick Kunz MH
Blue Gold - The Turquoise Story M. G. Broman MH
The Magic of Amber Rosa Hunger MH
The Story of the Gems Robert P. Whitlock MH
Leaded Glass A Handbook of Techniques Alastair Duncan O
The Complete Book of Creative Glass Art Polly Rothenberg O
Amber - The Natural Time Capsule Andrew Ross  
Amber The Golden Gem of the Ages Patty C. Rice